Stevenson Clinic

We’ve made several permanent changes to enhance our protection against all infectious diseases - not just COVID.

We know that good indoor air quality has a significant impact on human health.  Therefore, we have made these ventilation changes:

  • New building ventilation system in our Stevenson office

  • Upgraded building filtration systems in both offices (HEPA or MERV 13)

  • Air circulation systems are now set to run 24 hours a day

  • Additional stand-alone HEPA air filters in waiting rooms, NSMG staff areas, and each individual exam room

We know that being vaccinated is our best defense for COVID:  100% of our staff are vaccinated.

To help keep folks from spreading any type of contagious illness, we are taking the following measures:

  • If you are coming in for a sick appointment, we’ll ask that you wait in your car now, instead of in the lobby

  • In some cases, we may ask to set you up for a phone or video appointment first to determine which entrance and precautions are needed to keep both other patients and our staff safe

  • We have a separate entrance for certain types of sick visits that may be contagious (suspected measles, chickenpox, and COVID being the most common)


  • Medical cross icon.

    Medical Hours

    Monday - Friday: 7am - 5pm
    Access after hours care 365 days a year by calling 509.427.4212

  • Test tube and clipboard icon.

    Lab Hours

    Monday, Thursday-Friday:

    7:45 AM - 3:30 PM

    Tuesday: 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM

    Wednesday: 8:45 AM - 4:30 PM

  • Face silhouette with lotus flower icon.

    Behavioral Health Hours

    Monday - Friday: 7am - 5pm

875 SW Rock Creek Drive
Stevenson, WA 98648


FAX: 509.493.9538



Stevenson News