One Community Health

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Sealants for Kids...Something to Smile About!

Tooth decay is the most common chronic disease of school-aged children. Nationally, children with poor oral health are three times more likely than other children to miss school. Meanwhile, research shows students with toothaches are almost four times more likely to have a low grade-point average than peers who did not report tooth pain. In light of these alarming trends, One Community Health takes pediatric dental care to heart.

Here at One Community Health we've found it's more than possible to provide exceptional, affordable dental health care for children, making the experience fun yet educational. Through our gentle, compassionate approach to care, your child will come to understand why a healthy smile matters—and how to maintain it!

We also work closely with health promoters to identify children in the community who need dental care. We provide them with any necessary preventive care, such as sealants and fluoride supplements. As well, we run a very active School-Based Dental Sealant Program, sponsored by the Oregon Health Authority and funded by Oregon Community Foundation. Through this program, One Community Health provides FREE dental sealants to first, second, sixth and seven graders, as well as to high school students 14 years old and younger.  We offer this directly to Hood River County Schools and also partner with Advantage Dental of The Dalles to give these services to kids and teens in Wasco County.

What's the big deal about sealants? While brushing and flossing are the best ways to protect teeth, research shows sealants can also help, particularly with children who are still forming their dental care habits. As defined by the American Dental Association, a sealant is "a thin, protective coating (made from plastic or other dental materials) that adheres to the chewing surface of your back teeth." It's safe, painless, quick and easy to apply to back teeth, or molars, which tend to easily trap food and create brushing challenges for children. Sealants can keep cavities from forming and keep your smile happy. In short, sealants are a great, proactive solution that can guard against pesky and potentially painful tooth decay. We are excited that we offer so many opportunities to apply sealants to children in our region as well as who visit us in person at One Community Health.


Chris Pickens
Program Coordinator, One Community Health's Oregon Children's Health Dental Initiative